Join The Neighborhood, The Senesh School, American Sephardi Federation, B’nai Brooklyn, Kanisse and the Sephardic Mizrahi Q Network for Sephardi/Mizrahi Family Shabbat on Friday, November 22.
This Shabbat dinner for families with kids will celebrate Sephardi and Mizrahi heritage with live musical performances, hands-on crafts and activities, and lots of opportunities for fun, learning, and connection along the way. We will also celebrate Friday night with Shabbat blessings and a kosher, vegetarian meal.
Inspired by Mizrahi Heritage Month, we will explore cultural traditions from around the Jewish world in an inclusive community space, sharing the songs, stories, and flavors of our families’ diverse backgrounds. This program is open to Sephardi and Mizrahi families with children, as well as families who wish to learn about and uplift this community.

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