In celebration of the installation of Rabbi Michelle Dardashti at Kane Street Synagogue, join organizations from across Brooklyn for a concert by Galeet Dardashti and Divahn, whose recent album, Shalhevet, features original interpretations of traditional Sephardi/Mizrahi Jewish songs that blend string arrangements, Indian, Middle Eastern, and Latin percussion, and vocals spanning Hebrew, Persian, and Arabic traditions.
This event is a collaboration between Atara Minyan, B’nai Jeshurun, Congregation Beth Elohim, East Midwood Jewish Center, Flatbush Jewish Center, Hannah Senesh Community Day School Institute for a Living Judaism in Brooklyn, Jewish Theological Seminary, Kane Street Synagogue, Kanisse, Kolot Chayeinu / Voices of Our Lives, Lab/Shul, Marlene Meyerson JCC, The Neighborhood, Park Slope Jewish Center, Rising Song Institute, Romemu Brooklyn, Shir HaMaalot Minyan, UJA-Federation of New York, and Young Judaea Sprout Brooklyn Day Camp.