Aviva Bogart


Aviva is a youth and adult B’nei Mitzvah Educator/Officiator

Crown Heights

How do you define your practice?
Aviva is an artist and educator from Sharon, Massachusetts and has been living in Crown Heights since 2003. In 2012, she lived in Israel where she became fluent in Hebrew while studying at Mayanot, a Jewish leadership and learning program. She began teaching Judaic Studies throughout NYC in 2013, and since then has branched out to Bnei Mitzvah and officiating work (for coming -of-age and adults), as well as inspirational public speaking. Aviva has a BA in English from Brooklyn College, and a BFA from the Fashion Institute of Technology. She uses both her creative writing and visual arts skills to enhance her students experience in an immersive Jewish learning process. Most importantly, she loves believing in her students and watching their confidence grow. Check out the amazing organizations Aviva has had the honor of working at: Adamah: The Jewish Farming Fellowship The Fig Tree Program Brotherhood Synagogue The New Shul/School for Creative Judaism Kane Street Synagogue Union Temple/Congregation Beth Elohim Flatbush Jewish Center JCC Manhattan Romemu Brooklyn.

What services do you offer?
B'nai Mitzvah, Adult B’nai Mitzvah, One on one Learning Opportunities, Group Learning, Tutoring.

How is Judaism valuable in your life and what led you to this work?
I definitely see Judaism as both an action and a philosophy. In a way, integrating Jewish practice into my daily life is the ultimate form of embodied wisdom. Being Jewish is not something that happens and "is done", but rather it can be likened to a meditation practice. I use "Teshuvah", "the act of returning", to my present moment as a framework for grounding my experience in what is truly divine. Narrative has been a huge inspiration for me in my work. I love to think of our ancestors as archetypes that we can tap into, learning from their entire character, both ways to be and ways to be mindful. What led me to Beni Mitzvah work is wanting to truly gift another with agency and personal relationship in our shared tradition. At the end of the day, I am a teacher through and through. I love the challenge of stimulating another's mind to come to new understanding. I also feel tremendously grateful for the wisdom I have acquired through many many years of being steeped in Jewish tradition of all walks of life. I am successful if I have touched another person, guided them towards their own spiritual path.

Are you affiliated with an organization?
Yes. Receiving clients from: The Fig Tree Program, JCC Manhattan, and Romemu Brooklyn.