Congregation Kol Israel
603 St. Johns Place
A diverse and welcoming Modern Orthodox Jewish community
What services do you offer?
Event Space Rental, B'nai Mitzvah, Shabbat Services, Holiday Services, Group Learning.
What is your organization's mission?
Congregation Kol Israel is the oldest continuously practicing Orthodox community in Brooklyn. From Chasidic to Modern Orthodox to just plain curious, we are proud to count people from a wide variety of religious and cultural backgrounds as members. We are lucky to be situated in the diverse area where we are able to create a community where each person can find a home.
Guided by Torah and Halakha, CKI is committed to building a community that allows its members to build strong relationships with each other and with God. We aim to build a sacred space nurtured in Torah, prayer, and acts of loving kindness that fosters both personal and spiritual growth.
What activities do you offer?
We have Shabbat services every Friday night and Saturday morning, as well as Sunday morning minyan. After davening on Shabbat we have a hot kiddush with cholent for the community to enjoy.
How would you describe your community?
We are a diverse and welcoming community, committed to inclusivity and Torah values. We welcome newcomers - whatever background you're coming from, you'll find a warm and open atmosphere at Congregation Kol Israel.
What is the accessibility of your site?
Our site is wheelchair accessible on one level. We have a handicap accessible bathroom on that floor as well as the kitchen and multi-purpose room that is used for kiddush. The sanctuary is not wheelchair accessible right now but we are working to change this.