A national nonprofit working towards LGBTQ+ equality in Jewish life
What services do you offer?
One on one Learning Opportunities, Group Learning, Social Programming.
What is your organization's mission?
Keshet envisions a world in which all LGBTQ+ Jews and our families can live with full equality, justice, and dignity. By strengthening Jewish communities and equipping Jewish organizations with the skills and knowledge they need to make all LGBTQ+ Jews feel welcome, we work to ensure the full equality of all LGBTQ+ Jews and our families in Jewish life. We also create spaces in which all queer Jewish youth feel seen and valued and advance LGBTQ+ rights nationwide.
What activities do you offer?
*In-person and virtual programs for LGBTQ+ youth/young adults and allies.
*Learning opportunities for Jewish institutions to get the tools they need to be inclusive and affirming to the LGBTQ+ community.
*Opportunities to take action on LGBTQ+ civil rights, local and nationally.
How would you describe your community?
LGBTQ+ Jews and allies.