Minyan Atara

808 Nostrand Avenue

Traditional Egalitarian Shabbat Morning Minyan in Crown Heights

Crown Heights

What services do you offer?
Shabbat Services, Holiday Services.

What is your organization's mission?
Minyan Atara is a traditional egalitarian minyan. We meet on the first and third Shabbat morning of each month (and sometimes the fifth) for spirited davening in nusach Ashkenaz (Ashkenazic liturgy), followed by a top-notch hot kiddush that may include chulent, smoked fish, and boozy drinks. We have no "mechitza" and there is mixed seating. We are a space where people of all genders can lead services, read Torah, and receive aliyot and other honors. We meet in Crown Heights at Repair the World: 808 Nostrand Avenue. Advance signup is requested. Please email minyanatara@gmail.com for the link, or join our email list or WhatsApp group. Please join us sometime!

What activities do you offer?
We meet on the first and third Shabbat morning of each month (and sometimes the fifth) for spirited Shabbat morning davening in nusach Ashkenaz (Ashkenazic liturgy), followed by a top-notch hot kiddush.

How would you describe your community?
Minyan Atara is a traditional egalitarian minyan that meets for services on Shabbat mornings and sometimes holidays. We are a space where people of all genders can lead services, read Torah, and receive aliyot and other honors.

What is the accessibility of your site?
Ground floor, no stairs. Bathrooms available onsite.