Park Slope Jewish Center

1320 8th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11215

A liberal, egalitarian Conservative Judaism ~ Diverse, passionate, caring community

Park Slope

What services do you offer?
Event Space Rental, B'nai Mitzvah, Adult B’nai Mitzvah, LGBTQIA Counseling, One on one Learning Opportunities, Conversions, Shabbat Services, Holiday Services, Young Family Opportunities, Group Learning, Weddings, Senior Programming, Social Programming, Hevra Kaddisha.

What is your organization's mission?
To sustain a Jewish community dedicated to cherishing and renewing our tradition through religious growth, prayer, good works, and a commitment to take care of one another.

What activities do you offer?
Hebrew school, adult education, lifecycle events, young family engagement, Shabbat services, holiday services.

How would you describe your community?
PSJC warmly encourages families and individuals of all ages, gender identity, races, cultural backgrounds, and interfaith couples to join our community. Our members include artists, musicians, graduate students, yoga instructors, bankers, writers, social workers, rabbis, teachers, and more, ranging in age from infancy to retirement. We have families with three generations in the community and individuals who just moved to the neighborhood. We hope you will learn more about our community and our mission, staff, and programming. PSJC Shabbat services and most of our programming are open to non-members. We invite you to visit and learn more! Please introduce yourself to an usher or member of our staff if you are visiting. We are proud to be a "pay what you can" synagogue.

What is the accessibility of your site?
We have a chair-lift that can bring people upstairs to the main sanctuary or downstairs to the lower sanctuary.

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